2048 Game

Use arrow keys to slide tiles. Combine same tiles to increase value. Reach 2048 tile to win. Higher score is better.

Score : 0
High Score: 0
Game Over!

This 2048 game builds on the original open-source concept by Gabriele Cirulli, with a complete visual redesign and rewrite of the core algorithm and code to add useful modern features. While retaining Cirulli’s addictive tile-sliding gameplay, upgrades include audio effects to complement the experience, a night/dark mode for accessibility, and a prominent restart button to easily start a new game.

The intuitive original mechanics remain, but the tiles now feature more vibrant, user-friendly color schemes for improved gameplay. Additionally, hardware acceleration and improved responsiveness aim to provide greater fluidity in tile animations and swipe gestures. Overall, the focus is on enhancing 2048 through small but meaningful quality-of-life additions, to highlight how a simple viral web game can thoughtfully evolve over time while keeping the core gameplay intact.

Learn More About 2048 Game